The Let’s Work Healthy Shop

These downloadable products have been designed to help you excel in your career. Check back often to see what new resources we have, as we are developing new ones all the time.


In conjunction with our partners at Crystal Clear Therapy, we are offering a range of resources that help you in your professional and personal lives!

Hypnotherapy is a safe, powerful, psycho-therapeutic tool that can be used to break the negative cycle of unwanted anxieties, fears, phobias and addictions.

Hypnotherapy uses the application of hypnotic techniques to bring about therapeutic change and is a very pleasant and relaxing experience.

This complete 3 part course is designed to help you combat any fear of public speaking. The included 3 parts need to be undertaken in order, the introduction, the rewind then finally the reframe.

This course has proven extremely popular with young professionals who have struggled to speak confidently in meetings and at conferences in the past. Tackle your public speaking phobia today!




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This Stress Buster interactive meeting guide is designed to help you navigate the conversations you’ll need to have to tackle stress in your team. Use this tool to identify improvements you can make and then develop an action plan. Learn how to use this tool in this blog post.




This STAR (Situation / Task / Activity / Result) based interview preparation worksheet is designed to help you give the best interview of your career and get the job you want!  You can use this tool to laying out your STAR based answers as detailed in this blog post. Follow the advice in the blog post, use this tool and never be nervous for an interview again!



This Monthly Focus interactive meeting template will help you have a productive monthly meeting with each member of your team, and record the outcomes for review. Use this tool to review the month’s activity, discuss performance and then develop an action plan. This blog post gives you information on the benefits to this approach.


In conjunction with our partners at Crystal Clear Therapy, we are offering a range of resources that help you in your professional and personal lives!

Hypnotherapy is a safe, powerful, psycho-therapeutic tool that can be used to break the negative cycle of unwanted anxieties, fears, phobias and addictions.

Hypnotherapy uses the application of hypnotic techniques to bring about therapeutic change and is a very pleasant and relaxing experience.

This session is designed to reduce your emotional state when preparing for a particularly stressful interaction or difficult conversation.



In conjunction with our partners at Crystal Clear Therapy, we are offering a range of resources that help you in your professional and personal lives!

Hypnotherapy is a safe, powerful, psycho-therapeutic tool that can be used to break the negative cycle of unwanted anxieties, fears, phobias and addictions.

Hypnotherapy uses the application of hypnotic techniques to bring about therapeutic change and is a very pleasant and relaxing experience.

This session is designed to help you get a good night’s sleep, getting good REM sleep helps reduce anxiety and promotes memory retention.




In conjunction with our partners at Crystal Clear Therapy, we are offering a range of resources that help you in your professional and personal lives!

Hypnotherapy is a safe, powerful, psycho-therapeutic tool that can be used to break the negative cycle of unwanted anxieties, fears, phobias and addictions.

Hypnotherapy uses the application of hypnotic techniques to bring about therapeutic change and is a very pleasant and relaxing experience.

This session is designed to help you unwind at the end of a stressfull week, helping you accept whatever the week may have brought and letting it go.



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32 pages of essential tips for any new leader!
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