Who runs Let’s Work Healthy?

Hi everyone, my name is Greg Bennett and I’m responsible for most of the content of this site, the online community associated with it and generally the whole show!

I have been lucky enough to have some content experts contribute to the resources and I like to refer to authorities on each subject wherever I can.

How humans interact with each other has become the focus of my academic and work life and has led to the production of this site.

I spent a huge amount of time over the last decade studying management and leadership theory, including studying over 80 books (and counting) on the subject. I have put many of the theories into practice through my leadership roles and have analysed which ones worked and why.

My field of study and work is Public Health, which has given me lots of opportunity to see how all sorts of factors impact on health and wellbeing, particularly in the workplace. Witnessing people have such poor mental health as a result of their work drove me to become obsessed with researching the subject!

I was an Occupational Health and Safety Auditor for many years and went on to consult for companies in a gamekeeper turned poacher move. I realised that there is a lot of fear in business owner’s circles surrounding workplace safety and health, which paralyses them into inaction, when the simplest of solutions would achieve successful outcomes.

I have also had the privilege of leading and managing fairly large groups of people throughout my career and I have a wealth of formal management training. The richest source of my learnings on people management though is through having spent the majority of my career being managed. I can honestly say I have been lucky enough to be led by some of the best, and I have concentrated on distilling what I experienced into my leadership style. On the other hand, inevitably, I have had the misfortune of being ‘managed’ by some of the most inept, and as such I hope I have learned how not to do it too!

I draw upon 27 years work experience and a range of formal education in related subjects, and I have been fortunate to work in Europe and Australia, and that has given me a broader perspective on how the best results are achieved.

Why start Let’s Work Healthy?

Whilst working with large organisations to improve their processes and procedures, it has become so clear to me that for occupational safety, workplace welfare and health and dynamic people management the picture is far bleaker than it needs to be.

As a snapshot example, for the years 2017 / 2018 UK industry experienced a total of 30.7 million lost working days due to ill health and injury!

Stress, depression or anxiety and musculoskeletal disorders accounted for the majority of days lost, 15.4 million and 6.6 million respectively.

On average, each person suffering took around 16.5 days off work. This varies as follows:

  • 1 days for Injuries
  • 8 days for Ill health cases
  • 8 days for Stress, depression or anxiety

These figures are shocking reading and represent huge expense and suffering for everyone involved. I have experienced that simple measures and applying enlightened leadership principles dramatically helps.

Through this blog and the resources I provide on Let’s Work Healthy I hope to help business owners and employees achieve successful, happy and healthy working environments and get the most out of their careers.

You will find lots of useful information on this site and it would be great if you would become one of my subscribers and even join the online community!

Feel free to contact me with suggestions and comments too!


Greg Bennett

BSc (Hons), Dip NEBOSH


Public Health Professional and

Leadership Coach.



I first met Greg when he immigrated from England having accepted the Team Leader role within our department, a role I had acted in many times and thought certain I would be offered. Unbeknownst to Greg he had walked into a stale department, lead by an unmotivated manager and surrounded by people stuck firmly in their ruts.
This was a pivotal point in my career. I watched Greg work against the grain and turn around the attitude of every team member. Our department became uplifted, motivated, productive, and even happy. Greg became a mentor for me, reminding me to take pride in myself at work. Where I thought I had no career options he guided and encouraged me to try new roles. His assistance with practicing interview techniques was really valuable.
Thanks, in part, to Greg I have moved forward with my career, to roles I never would have considered. I truly believe I would still be a part of that stale department had Greg not been chosen for that role!

Sharon Douglas

Human Resource and Compliance Manager

Otto’s Fresh Food Markets

Greg Bennett is a motivational and transformative leader in management – an influencer of influencers! He inspires enthusiasm, motivating workers into career achievers and managers into leaders.

Michael Sheridan

Public Health Professional/Scientist/Educator 

…Greg bought into the team enthusiasm, new ideas and innovation which quickly spread as a new and improved way of working together, smarter not harder…I honestly believe Greg is a born leader – he leads by example and walks the talk. He is one with his team and never acts ‘above’ his staff. I idolise his work ethic, his professionalism and his ability to challenge the norm within the workplace and encourage his team to do the same.

I feel very lucky to have experienced such a positive and unique leader within the workplace, and I continue to be grateful for the impact that Greg has had on me to this day.

Lena Krause
Local Coordinator- Ipswich and Toowoomba

Greg was a pleasure to work with. As an external stakeholder, then working together at QHealth I saw the expertise and leadership he portrays for public health from different angles. He has a passion for establishing connections to achieve results, mentoring staff and helping them to grow and perform which in-turn helps the organisation get results. This website is a good resource for any aspiring leader or a good refresher for the more experienced…

Enzo Picerni

Coordinator Environmental Health Services

Byron Shire Council

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